Special Reports

Real estate investment strategies

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Owning a home is the most important component to build net worth over time. It is far more significant a contributor to financial well-being than any stock market or other investment vehicle. In addition to the emotional and psychic benefits of homeownership, the equity you are creating is tax sheltered with mortgage interest deductibility, homeowner exemption property tax policies, and capital gains shelter. This is why it is often referred to as the “American Dream.” There is a lot of media attention these days on the difficulty of realizing this Dream however, given the high cost of homes, mortgage rates, insurance coverage, and property taxes. But if you are lucky enough to own your home, and have funds you could invest in other real estate, what might you consider?

  • By RAPHAEL BARTA/NIBJ Contributor
  • March 25, 2025

POST FALLS CHAMBER: Making a profound impact

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The Post Falls Chamber of Commerce recently gathered for our annual Recognition Reception to honor remarkable individuals and businesses who have made a profound impact in Post Falls. It was uplifting to witness the strength, generosity, and dedication in our community.

  • March 25, 2025

North Idaho Alliance: Women of Impact — March is Women’s History Month

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Each year, March is designated as Women’s History Month through a presidential proclamation, honoring the significant contributions of women throughout American history.

  • March 25, 2025

SANDPOINT CHAMBER: Spring cleaning: Kick the procrastination habit

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You know those little tasks that you don't particularly like to do, those little things that you put off for later? All of us have one. Some of us have many. One of mine used to be taking action on the emails in my Inox. I don't know why I procrastinated on doing the simple task of responding, filing, and/or deleting, but I got into the habit of scanning my emails, and then closing them to deal with them later. Sometimes that would be days later. That small task would add up to be a large Inbox in a short amount of time. My habitual pattern was to put it off until I just couldn't avoid it anymore. Then finally, I spent a hefty amount of time dealing with a huge number of emails that if I had only done those little tasks when I should have done them, it would have been a whole lot easier and a whole lot faster.

  • By MICKEY QUINN/NIBJ Contributor
  • March 25, 2025

North Idaho Alliance: Women of IMPACT, T is for Technology

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Let’s be real — I’ve surrendered to the tech takeover. From AI to those sneaky midnight iPhone updates, to my never-ending password chain updates, change is constant when it comes to technology. But honestly, I bet if women were in charge, we’d sprinkle some gentleness and grace into the mix.

  • February 25, 2025

Boardco acquires Mark’s Marine in Hayden

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Mark's Marine in Hayden has been acquired by Boardco, according to a recent announcement by Stacey International, LLC. Additionally, Aaron Thykeson, a historical partner of Mark’s Marine Inc., will continue as a partner and president in the organization.

  • February 25, 2025

Cd'A Casino Resort spa introduces Aescape

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Wellness is meeting the future as the Coeur d'Alene Casino Resort Hotel has added new wellness technology with the installation of Aescape, an AI-powered, automated massage experience at its Spa Ssakwa'q'n (pronounced Sock-wah-kin).

  • February 25, 2025

Chaos theory and the economy

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We like to believe that the various sectors of the economy believe in rational ways. The “law” of supply and demand: as one side increases the other side decreases. Or, doubling the money supply while holding an asset base static will cause price inflation. Measurable stuff. Predictable.

  • By RAPHAEL BARTA/NIBJ Contributing Writer
  • February 25, 2025

POST FALLS CHAMBER: Celebrating our local business leaders

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This is such a special time of year! Friends and family are all cozied up, enjoying the last days of winter…hopefully…and we as a community get to celebrate some amazing stories at our Recognition Reception. Every year a group of previous winners have the painstaking job of sifting through nominations to select this year’s winners. For the first time in a long time, we had an overwhelming number of nominations — 38 in total. What a beautiful problem to have. This means that at a minimum, we had 38 citizens who felt compelled to share the story of how a local business or individual made an impact on our community. That makes my heart sing. We have such a caring community and this outpouring proves it.

  • February 25, 2025


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Luck is often seen as some magical force that appears to some and not to others. But when it comes to business, luck is much more about preparation and taking action than merely just chance.

  • By MICKEY QUINN/NIBJ Contributor
  • February 25, 2025

North Idaho Alliance: Women of Impact Roundtable Series explores local commerce drivers

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Let us examine the concept of "commerce." While it may initially seem unremarkable, consider the term "money." This is undoubtedly a more engaging topic. Money encompasses the ways we generate, spend, save, and invest, as well as how it circulates within our communities and on a global scale. It serves as the vital mechanism propelling our world forward.

  • January 28, 2025

POST FALLS CHAMBER: Working together as a chamber

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As we step into 2025, I am filled with pride and gratitude for the incredible work we have accomplished together as a chamber. The dedication and engagement drove meaningful change in our community, and I’m thrilled to share some highlights and upcoming initiatives that showcase the power of collective action.

  • January 28, 2025

SANDPOINT CHAMBER: The GIFT of feedback: Getting some

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When we were in school, we were on the receiving end of tons of feedback. We were constantly being measured, tested, and observed. A lot has been written and researched about the benefits, and damages, of the methods that are used to teach, test, and measure students, but knowing how we are performing is a lot better than being left in the dark to make our own blind assumptions.

  • By MICKEY QUINN/NIBJ Contributor
  • January 28, 2025

Extend and pretend

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With the elections now over, that element of uncertainty is resolved, but it remains to be seen how the policies of the incoming administration will affect the economy, and real estate in particular. This apprehension is why Treasury bond pricing is high at 5%, and why the term premium mortgage holders expect is still at a wide spread by historical standards.

  • By RAPHAEL BARTA/NIBJ Contributor
  • January 28, 2025

North Idaho Alliance Women of Impact: The importance of art

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The National Endowment for the Arts serves as a valuable resource for my research regarding our December Women of IMPACT Roundtable discussion on the Arts in our region and our role as creative placemakers. A creative placemaker is an individual who actively employs arts, culture and design strategies to enhance the quality of life within a community by transforming public spaces, fostering a sense of place, and promoting community engagement through creative initiatives. These often involve collaborations with local artists, residents and organizations.

  • December 31, 2024
