Tuesday, November 24

Analysis: What Wall Street bailout?

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Everyone is talking about a Wall Street bailout, which makes no sense at all. Wall Street does not own the things it sells.

  • November 24, 2020

'Being thankful'

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Recently I ran across a quote that said, "People who demonstrate thankfulness in their daily life are more contented with their lives." This month we have the opportunity to be both thankful and grateful.

  • By KANDI JOHNSON/Hayden Chamber
  • November 24, 2020

Grateful for our business community

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As we celebrate the holiday season and say our final goodbyes to a crazy 2020, it was highly evident this year especially, that a professional organization is only as strong as the commitment of its members to the organization's success.

  • By CHRISTINA PETIT/Post Falls Chamber
  • November 24, 2020

Blackboard gets national attention

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The combination sandwich shop/Italian restaurant was recently listed on MSN’s “The most adorable small-town restaurant in every state” list and owners Rob and Luanne Wuerfel are not only proud of their restaurant, but flattered by the company they’re keeping.

Five tax-saving business strategies

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Ideally, business owners don’t plan tax strategies last minute.

  • November 24, 2020

Pandemic brings opportunities to local businesses

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If nothing else, 2020 will go down as a year that was, well, memorable.

  • By KATRINA BOYER/Special to BJNI
  • November 24, 2020


Bookstore a wonderland for young readers
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The sign at the door welcomes visitors to Narnia — as well as to Hobbiton, Wonderland and beyond.

After great summer, hospitality ready for big holidays

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Holiday season looks good for resort

Retailers ready for shopping season unlike any other

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Local retailers ready for Christmas shopping season unlike any other

We should listen to Grandpa

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Shop locally to save our stores.

  • November 24, 2020