Saturday, October 20

Building Permits - October 2018

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October 2018

  • October 20, 2018

RETAIL: Popular store sees changing of the guard


A popular home, garden and gift store in downtown Coeur d’Alene is “mixing it up” in more ways than one. After a decade, Mix It Up has a new owner, Beth Rich Brown. When Jan Carr founded Mix It Up in 2009, she already had years of retail experience under her belt, first as a buyer for Nordstrom and Nike, and then as the owner of women’s apparel store One More Thing. Moving into home, garden and gift was something of an experiment, but one she felt Coeur d’Alene needed.

  • October 20, 2018

Top 30 Under 40 nominations are open through Nov. 5


If you have an outstanding young person working in your organization, office, business or company, now is the time for name-dropping. The Kootenai County Young Professionals is hosting its second year of the Top 30 Under 40 program, which encourages community members to nominate hardworking and remarkable young people who are making a difference in North Idaho.

  • October 20, 2018

Fitness center helps veterans heal physically, emotionally

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Patriot Fitness has given Charlie Till new life. The 70-year-old Navy veteran was enduring problems with his legs until the fitness program funded by the nonprofit Double Tap Foundation started to whip him into shape. "I'm walking better and my balance is better," Till said. "When I first started coming I didn't believe I was in a position to have enough energy to pull it off."

  • October 20, 2018

Survey says it makes sense to join chamber


In early November, the Coeur d’Alene Chamber of Commerce will hold a membership recruitment week offering special incentives for businesses to sign up. Some might consider Chamber of Commerce outdated - old school. Others may join, but just for the sense of community. Some succumb to the idea that it is simply a cost of doing business locally. Let’s take a real look at reasons a business joins a chamber and what’s in it for them - and you.

  • October 20, 2018

Kootenai Health expansion goes well beyond four walls

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Growth is king in Coeur d’Alene, so it makes sense that the community’s hospital would be growing, too. Phase 3 in Kootenai Health’s multi-year expansion effort is about halfway finished and should be completed in March, said Jeremy Evans, KH vice president of hospital and regional operations. The expansion will add 32 patient beds on the third floor, all private, housing patients being treated for cancer, strokes and neurology issues. It will also include a new epilepsy monitoring unit.

  • October 20, 2018

Kootenai County Young Professionals supports millennial workforce

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Breaking into the business world is a little easier with help from others in a similar situation. The Kootenai County Young Professionals (KCYP) is a nonprofit offering that help and support to young people who are establishing themselves in their industries. The nearly 100-member organization provides a host of resources and opportunities, from networking, philanthropy and meetings with guest speakers to facility tours, community events and social functions.

  • October 20, 2018

Bipartisan effort yields big results


Whenever I go to Capitol Hill, I am encouraged by the broad and bipartisan support for nuclear energy. Republicans and Democrats, in growing numbers, agree that sustaining the existing fleet of nuclear reactors and developing, demonstrating, and deploying next-generation reactors will create jobs, ensure reliability and resilience of the electric grid, protect the environment, and meet growing energy demands in the electricity, transportation, and manufacturing sectors.

  • October 20, 2018

A new North Star rises in forestry, real estate

Buying or selling timberland can be tricky for the 36,000 private timberland owners here in Idaho. Unlike the big companies that have professional forest staff to keep their fingers on the pulse of the market, and who can deploy experts to the field to evaluate standing timber, the family owners of forests 50 acres and smaller scattered across North Idaho have to go it alone when it comes time to harvest timber or do land transactions.

  • October 20, 2018

Post Falls Chamber is feeling thankful

November is a month we tend to focus on gratitude, and we have so many things to be grateful for — the beautiful landscape in North Idaho, a vibrant and safe community, and committed and generous friends and neighbors.

  • October 20, 2018

WALKS WITH JASPER: Coeur d’Alene Fine Jewelers


Jasper and I were meandering down Sherman on a mission of sorts. The dappled doxie was on a treat hunt while I sought to get a watch band changed without the scratches that ensue when I do that job. We were a bit surprised to come across a new jewelry store and compelled to enter.

  • October 20, 2018