Check out your new business journal
In last month’s issue, I told you I love business news.
Now, I’m excited to show you. The fact is, I just can’t wait for you to read this.
In the current issue of your Business Journal of North Idaho, we’ll introduce you to a mainstay of manufacturing, Encoder Products, which makes special components required for today’s high-tech manufacturing.
Next, our reporters teamed up with a multi-part piece highlighting some of the (many) hidden costs of business. Reporter Julia Bennett has created a fascinating feature called “It’s a Living,” which profiles local people with unusual jobs. We will take you on a tour of two similarly priced properties in the Dueling Listings spread, which you can find on page 32.
Devin Weeks sat down to learn a few business lessons from Black Sheep’s Dave Knoll, and Ralph Bartholdt, who puts together the outdoor coverage in your Thursday newspaper, is showing one way to part with a few of your hard-earned dollars: He’ll take you on a guest drive of a loaded UTV. This feature, called “Spending It,” can be found on page 22.
You’ll notice some new columns focusing on several areas of the local business community: This month we’ve added three: The Business of Real Estate, tourism and retail. In the coming months, we’ll add local columns on The Business of Law and the Business of Medicine. We’ve also added bankrutpcy filings from federal court and new members of the local Chambers.
We’re jazzed about our new lineup. If you have story ideas or material that you think would be a good fit for our new columns, please shoot me a message at aobermueller