Braving the business storm
It’s just business.
You hear that when a favorite player gets traded, when a transaction rubs feelings raw, when there’s a need to differentiate between personal feelings and bottom lines.
You’re hearing it quite a lot these days. You’ll probably be hearing it much more in the future, as more and more employees have their hours cut, their pay sliced, their jobs eliminated. As businesses you’ve grown to love go dark.
Business isn’t a “just.” Business is foundational to life as we know it. It’s a platform for providing for our families, for fulfilling a sense of self-worth, for contributing to the greater good, for making stuff that makes the world go ‘round.
With that world being shaken like a rag doll lately, the business stories on these humble pages amount to very little. We recognize that. We also know that with articles being written well in advance of publication and delivery of The Business Journal of North Idaho, there’s no guarantee these reports won’t be painfully outdated by the time you consume them.
So be it. Our community can’t insulate itself from pandemics or public pandemonium, but we can do our best to keep the lights on at the businesses that provide the products and the jobs we all depend upon.
Just business? Not around here it isn’t.
It’s livelihoods worth fighting for.