'Being thankful'
Recently I ran across a quote that said, "People who demonstrate thankfulness in their daily life are more contented with their lives." This month we have the opportunity to be both thankful and grateful.
On Wednesday, Nov. 11, we honored Veterans Day. While many local Veterans Day celebrations were canceled due to the current COVID pandemic, we should still find ways to honor our veterans every day. Congratulations to Hayden’s Distinguished Veteran of the Year — Joan Genter.
This Thursday, we celebrate Thanksgiving Day. Please take the opportunity to stop a moment, pause and be thankful for all of the blessings that we experience in our lives here in North Idaho.
As your Chamber of Commerce, we stand ready to assist you in ways to increase your business, leverage your marketing assets, offer you ways to meet others for future clients and referrals, and develop important connections and friendships from other leaders in our community. We are a great resource to connect to further your business.
We are here for YOU! All my best.
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Kandi Johnson is the Hayden Chamber of Commerce executive director. Email: Kandi@haydenchamber.org