Hayden Chamber: Life's most important moments
Most of us have experienced what we would call "life's most important moments" at one time or the other. When asked to list these moments, we might name high school or college graduation, wedding day, birth of a child (or grandchild), or even fulfilling something from our bucket list such as taking that trip to Tuscany, publishing a book, or running a marathon.
As momentous as those may be, I would like to suggest that the things we consider ordinary or daily routine can also be considered "life's most important moments." For instance, we may take for granted that our family lives nearby and we can visit often. But one day, we get a call that they have decided to move to another state for better opportunities. Suddenly, those treasured weekly Friday family pizza nights are just a memory and become one of "life's most important moments."
Even though we don't consider things that we do every day to be of importance that we would call them one of "life's most important moments" — there is one thing we do that CAN be considered in this manner — and that is to VOTE!
Nov. 3 is ELECTION DAY! We encourage you to exercise your right to vote! If you haven't registered yet — please do so early! You can review the information from the Kootenai County Election Department at https://www.kcgov.us/935/Current-Election-Information.
As your Chamber of Commerce, we stand ready to assist you in ways to increase your business, leverage your marketing assets, offer you ways to meet others for future clients and referrals, and develop important connections and friendships from other leaders in our community.
The Hayden Chamber of Commerce is here for YOU!
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Kandi Johnson is the Hayden Chamber of Commerce executive director. Email: Kandi@haydenchamber.org