Grab a glove and give Bill a call
Put me in, coach?
Nope. Got that backwards.
You need to put coach in.
With few exceptions, local businesses can use a boost, especially with tourist season waning and the Delta variant casting a threatening shadow across the land. Who couldn't use an experienced, passionate — and did we mention, free — business coach at the plate right about now?
The Small Business Development Center at North Idaho College stands ready to pitch in. Director Bill Jhung, an outstanding leader and, frankly, one of the finer human beings among us, has assembled a team of nine professional business experts who can help in all sorts of ways. (For free. Or did we say that already?)
Still trying to solve the social media puzzle? Got products with wide appeal but don't know how to export them? Maybe you're at the starting line, thunderstruck by entrepreneurial inspiration, but don't know how to translate that into a profitable business model. Well, Bill and his team can help.
They've been doing it for years and now have bandwidth to do even more good for the local business community. Read all about it in this issue, then give them a call.
Oh, yeah: It's free.
— Mike Patrick, BJNI editor