The little airport that could
Coeur d'Alene Airport/Pappy Boyington Field has been making headlines lately because of disagreements between some of its most devout patrons and the airport management. But the consternation mustn't cloud over this fact:
Our airport is a mighty economic engine whose importance to the region should never be underestimated or taken for granted.
Like the little train that could, our wee landing pad has forged ahead to become the second busiest airport, next to Boise's, in the state. It generates millions of dollars in revenue annually. The many businesses that have cropped up around the airport provide 1,000 or more jobs. And seeing as how we live in the heart of an outdoors paradise, our airport serves as the arrival and departure site for the Rich and Famous who call North Idaho part-time home.
Most of this issue of The Business Journal of North Idaho is dedicated to an in-depth look at Coeur d'Alene Airport, which actually is based in Hayden (but we're all Coeur d'Aleners, right?). Our goal is to dispel a powerful and misplaced perception: That because there are no commercial airlines operating here, our airport is no big deal.
Take Gene Soper's word for it: Our airport has become a very big deal, indeed.
— Mike Patrick, BJNI editor