A key piece in broadband puzzle
Steve Meyer is a smart man. With Charlie Nipp, Steve helped build Coeur d'Alene-based Parkwood Properties into a powerhouse, an economic engine that has provided not just plenty for the Nipp and Meyer clans, but for the community as well.
One of the smartest things Meyer ever did occurred back in October 2006. He hired Mike Kennedy to run a little-known local business called Intermax Networks. Back in the day, Intermax had two employees. Kennedy made it three.
Now, almost 15 years later, Intermax is a powerhouse itself. Under Kennedy's leadership, Intermax is the vanguard in the quest to conquer poor or absent broadband service in North Idaho. While much remains to be done, they're making progress, which portends well for Intermax and for the entire region's economic development efforts.
As our cover story explains, one of the bright moves Intermax made was bringing three key products — internet, phone and IT services — together in a one-stop shop. If your business is using that package deal, rather than separate vendors, one phone call or email is all that's needed to resolve any difficulties that might arise.
That same forward-thinking, local business-proud approach is what's needed to help create more good jobs with prosperous businesses, a necessity for quality of life throughout North Idaho.
— Mike Patrick, BJNI editor