Christmastime in Hayden

Andrea Fulks
Editor's note: This was written before the Christmas holiday and thought it would still be appropriate to post after and before the New Year.
“Christmas is like candy; it slowly melts in your mouth sweetening every taste bud, making you wish it could last forever.” — Richelle E. Goodrich
It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas here in Hayden. The decorations and trees are starting to be set up, the green garland and red bows, twinkling lights and the snow is starting to make everything white and feel like Christmas. The only thing that it can mean is that Jolly Ole’ St. Nick is packing his sleigh and will be soon on his way visiting all good boys and good girls!
Christmas always seems to come and go so quickly; it would be nice to be able to slow down time a little and let the good times linger just a bit…
Just long enough to breath in the smells of fresh evergreen, spices and cookies. Just long enough to soak up the twinkling lights and the sounds of Christmas carols. Just long enough to let the sight of all the little ones sparkling eyes and happy faces soaking in the magic of the season. And just long enough to remember Christmas’s of the past and loved ones that are missed and forever in our hearts.
Christmas has always been my favorite time of year. It doesn’t take money to have a special holiday. I say this every year, but people seem kinder at Christmas. Just saying Merry Christmas or Happy Holidays can put a smile on someone’s face and brighten their day.
Volunteering at an organization, a church, a school or ringing a bell can put a smile on someone’s face. We were bell ringing for the Salvation Army/Kroc Center, representing the Hayden Chamber, on Wednesday, Dec. 7 from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. at the Super 1 Foods store in Hayden.
Donating a toy or gift for the small ones or the elderly can also bring big smiles that you may never see, but trust me, someone sees it and you can take that to the bank in your heart. We were so happy to help contribute to the Toys for Tots with donations during our October NBC membership meeting.
Whether near or far, many will be alone for the holidays. Some with family far away, some working, and some with no family at all. Take a moment and pick up the telephone or stop by or invite them over. What’s one more at the dinner table, right?
We are also very thankful in North Idaho this time of year and at the Hayden Chamber. Our businesses help to make the season cheery by stocking their shelves so you can shop local. By stocking the food pantry shelves. By donating toys and gifts to those less fortunate. Hundreds attended the parade route to kick off the season for the City of Hayden Lights Parade & Christmas Tree Lighting Ceremony. The Hayden Chamber also hosted its 2nd Outdoor European Christmas Market from Dec. 2-3. Pictures to follow.
We have had a wonderful year here at the Chamber. Businesses are working hard and doing well. More than 90 new businesses have joined our Chamber within this last year. We are working hard to help with special networking events to market businesses to each other and the community.
Hayden is growing and there are so many exciting things happening right now and in the works for the future.
Soak up the joy of the season. Make a choice to build up Hayden and the surrounding area and not tear it down. Decide to be part of the Hayden Chamber's solution and future. The truth is that our future is coming, no one can stop it…Together we can make it happen — bigger and brighter.
Pick-up a sign this holiday that simply says Believe… keep it in front of you all year-round. We all need to believe like a child in the magic, the wonder and joy of the season year-round. As adults we know a lot of hard work goes into making the magic happen, but we do it anyway.
I believe that the Hayden Chamber can be whatever we want it to be. I believe we have the talent, the dedication, the tools, the resources, and I believe that our future begins today with all of us working together.
I believe that we can be happy and prosper all the year through. With the belief of a child, with the hard work of an adult and the talent of a professional. I believe in you. I believe in us.
So, from our office to yours, feel the magic of the holiday season all year through! The Hayden Chamber of Commerce wishes everyone a Merry Christmas and a happy and prosperous New Year.
Ribbon cuttings for our newest members recently included Uncorked With Friends, Family Promise, Fleur De Lis Junk Removal and Idaho Therapeutic Massage.
Poinsettia deliveries to our Legacy and Platinum members was done just before the Thanksgiving holiday.
“But you were always a good man of business, Jacob,” faltered Scrooge, who now began to apply this to himself.
“Business!” cried the Ghost, wringing its hands again. “Mankind was my business. The common welfare was my business; charity, mercy, forbearance, and benevolence were, all, my business. The dealings of my trade were but a drop of water in the comprehensive ocean of my business!” — Charles Dickens, "A Christmas Carol"
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Andrea Fulks is the president/CEO for the Hayden Chamber of Commerce.