Published: December 26, 2023 | Updated: December 21, 2023

Lippert named Board Chair of the Year by Idaho School Boards Association

Michelle Lippert

Michelle Lippert

Post Falls School Board Chair Michelle Lippert has been named Board Chair of the Year by the Idaho School Boards Association.

Lippert has served on the Post Falls School Board since August 1999.

In her nomination, it was noted Lippert coordinates with the board clerk to ensure meeting notices, quorum notices and agendas are publicly posted as set forth in Idaho Code. She communicates with the clerk regarding upcoming meetings and board member attendance to ensure there will be a quorum. She guides the board’s understanding of agenda items requiring action and addresses questions before moving forward. Lippert also uses discretion and recommends executive sessions when appropriate. Outside of meeting times, she is readily available to the clerk and collaborates with the superintendent as issues arise. 

In 2021, Lippert was named the Woman of Distinction for education by the local Soroptimist organization. As a founding member of the Citizens for Post Falls Schools, her advocacy for bond and levies is well known in the community. She works tirelessly to inform the public of the district’s need for additional schools and the significance of our fundamental levy. Following the initial defeat of the levy in March of 2021, Lippert played a major role in the “get out the vote” effort, which led to the levy’s successful passage in May 2021. Her actions demonstrate tremendous support for public education in North Idaho, the nomination said.

Lippert did not seek re-election to the school board and will complete her tenure in December.