Jumping into 2023

Andrea Fulks
“Celebrate endings…for they precede new beginnings.”
Happy New Year!
I hope you all had a chance to relax and unwind a bit over the holidays. I am actually typing this message from Astoria, Queens, N.Y., where I'm visiting my son Nick for a few weeks. I'm looking forward to enjoying the time off with him and seeing all the sites and loving all the adventures we are doing. I will be home by the time this newsletter goes out so I will have lots to share later.
As we jump into 2023, it is my sincere hope that our members have found value in being a part of the Hayden Chamber and that they continue their membership in the chamber, knowing they are supporting the communities where we work, live and shop. We have not raised our membership dues. Although inflation can be felt everywhere, the board decided to keep our membership dues the same as last year. We can do this with the help of generous sponsors throughout the year. We appreciate those who can contribute with a financial sponsorship and hope that they will continue to do so.
We have offered, and will continue to offer, various networking opportunities. Our breakfast membership meetings will be changing in February to luncheons and are the core of our chamber events, but we also have enjoyed the opportunity to go into various members businesses for Lunch & Learns and Mix and Mingle Chamber After Hours. We look forward to our Bacon, Bloody’s & Brews Festival in May, and our Connecting Community & Business Expo Fair in September. We will then finish out the year with our Outdoor European Christmas Market again in December. Thank you to the many sponsors who have opened their businesses to us this past year.
My goal for 2023 is to see our membership grow even more than it did this year. Please help me reach this goal by remembering to renew your membership, invite a guest to a Lunch & Learn, NBC Luncheon or a Chamber After Hours. Our January NBC will be the Annual Business Excellence Awards Ceremony and in February we will be having our annual Sip, Sample & Savor event just in time for Valentine's Day, making it the perfect time to celebrate our chamber and invite prospective members. In 2022, we welcomed 92 new members to our chamber. With just a little effort on everyone's part, we can beat that number in 2023 and make the chamber stronger and more vibrant than ever.
Having clear, specific goals is important. When you set your goals for 2023, think of things that you can start doing immediately and be confident in your abilities. One of the best ways to reach a goal is to have a system of accountability. Don't keep your goals a secret. Share with a trusted member of the chamber what you are doing to accomplish it and what is getting in the way. Having someone cheering you on is a real motivator. Likewise, when you know that someone will be asking, it will stimulate your drive to get to the goal line.
I’m very proud of what the chamber has accomplished in 2022. My thanks go out to the very dedicated board, the wonderful members, and the community that I am delighted to be a part of.
I would like to thank Josh Urbick, 2023 Chair; Deb Wheeler, Director of Operations, Kathleen and Amanda, our office volunteers; as well as the rest of the board, committee members, ambassadors, volunteers and members for their support and leadership during the past year.
For most of us, the path our businesses have navigated over the past few years has been bumpy, challenging and frustrating at times. There were countless examples of Chamber Members adapting in ways necessary to persevere.
The 2023 Hayden Chamber of Commerce are eager for the new year. We look forward to resuming some of our traditional fundraising events, as well as developing other value-driven opportunities. We are excited to find new ways to engage with members and offer enriching experiences that benefit you and your business.
We hope to hear from you to learn how the Chamber can best support you. We also encourage you to be part of the fun and make the most of your membership. Attend meetings, participate in ribbon cuttings, join us at events or connect in any other way. Personally, I welcome the opportunity to speak with you to hear your ideas or feedback. I can be reached via email at andrea@haydenchamber.org.
I like to reflect on the quote, “Great things never come from your comfort zones,” which encourages me to continue to step out and do things that are uncomfortable. Unfortunately, Jan. 1 is usually a time when we “decide” to make these shifts in our lives (or businesses). I encourage you all to make every day your Jan. 1. Instead of putting pressure on yourself to “resolve” to do this or that for the new year, begin each day as if it’s a new year and plan to do something unique or different for the benefit of growth (in your life or business). And of course, the chamber is here to partner with you and help you grow your business in this new year. I encourage you to let the chamber also become part of your shift. It's super important for you to jump into the activities and events that are here to expose you and your business to the public and other chamber members.
The Chamber Board of Directors welcomes four new directors for the 2023 year:
• Renee Zimmerman, Community Development Manager for Ziply Fiber
• Nicole Smith, STCU Area Branch Manager for the 4 CDA & Hayden Branches
• Brian Horan, Owner of Primerica
• Jessica Ness, Business Development for Lake City Auto Care
They are joining eight veteran members, currently on the board:
• Chair, Josh Urbick, Global Credit Union
• Vice Chair, Jessica Chavolla, Numerica Credit Union
• Treasurer, Tanya Yost, Mountain West Bank
• Director, Marty Behm, First Interstate Bank
• Director, Therese Gurgel, ICCU
• Director, Steven Paquin, Marketing Beaver
• Director, Jennifer Snow, Avondale Dental Group
• Director, Skip Meyer, Highpoint-IT
Become a Hayden Chamber member for 2023
Are you a business owner looking for new opportunities to network and meet other small business owners while expanding your business network? One great way to do this is to become a member of the Hayden Chamber of Commerce! Many local businesses increase their exposure and grow revenues through involvement in the chamber.
Here are five great reasons to join the Hayden Chamber of Commerce:
1) Increase your visibility in the community.
As a member of the chamber, you will be listed in the chamber newsletter, directory and will have the opportunity to be highlighted in chamber publications. You can also grow your business by advertising with the chamber and sponsoring local events. The chamber may also promote your grand opening/ribbon-cutting ceremony.
2) Receive chamber newsletters.
The newsletter provides new member information, flyers about member events, and details about up-and-coming chamber and community events.
3) Bring credibility to your business.
You increase the positive perception among consumers and business owners when you’re identified as a member of a chamber.
4) Networking opportunities.
As was listed above, the Hayden Chamber offers many different opportunities to network and promote your business to other chamber members and community members.
5) Have FUN!
The Hayden Chamber is known for being the fun chamber while also being “Fun-ctional.”
As you can see from our Red Kettle Day Bell Ringing and our Annual Ugly Sweater Christmas Party where we give our nonprofits a chance to be highlighted, we have a great time out in the community.
Special thank you to our Legacy Members — TDS Fiber, ICCU, The Lounge, Wake Media Group, Northwest Specialty Hospital, Walmart and Carstar.
On behalf of the Hayden Chamber of Commerce, I would like to wish you all a very happy and healthy New Year. We look forward to another fabulous year of making new connections and new friends in this great community.
“Never regret a day in your life: good days give happiness, bad days give experience, worst days give lessons, and best days give memories!”
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Andrea Fulks is the president/CEO for the Hayden Chamber of Commerce.