Welcome to a new brand of North Idaho Business Journal
Maureen Dolan
North Idaho has a business landscape with built-in keys to success that are as robust as the area’s mountains, rivers and lakes are beautiful.
Idaho companies enjoy low operating costs and a make-sense tax structure. They benefit from a wealth of tax incentives and a statewide culture focused on workforce development.
And, as one of the fastest growing areas in the nation, North Idaho offers businesses the opportunity to reach an ever-increasing number of consumers in a variety of target markets.
Those are just a few of the reasons we’re excited to announce the North Idaho Business Journal is expanding its focus and coverage area across the Panhandle.
Our writers and editors are eager to provide information and inspiration to help foster the vibrant community of commerce that comprises Kootenai, Benewah, Bonner, Boundary and Shoshone counties.
In the coming months, readers will hear from experts representing local industries and sectors, and from government agencies that support Idaho companies. We will also share interviews with local business owners who have achieved success in their respective fields.
Along with this variety of content, several North Idaho Business Journal events are on our calendar for this year, offering opportunities for sponsorship, participation and networking.
The first event is North Idaho’s 40 Under 40. Nominations are now being accepted at 40under40.webflow.io. More information is available inside this issue.
The North Idaho Business Journal team is excited to offer a unique voice to the business community, with stories that recognize success and provide useful information to help readers gain insight into operating a business in today’s climate.
We write for and about North Idaho businesses, so let us know what stories you’d like to see in this publication, whether it’s an interesting company you’d like to know better, an amazing innovation others should know about or a business challenge you’re dealing with.
Wherever you are in the Panhandle, we’ve got you covered. Our North Idaho Business Journal editors look forward to hearing from you.
Bonner, Boundary counties — Caroline Lobsinger — clobsinger@bonnercountydailybee.com
Kootenai, Benewah counties — Maureen Dolan — mdolan@cdapress.com
Shoshone County — Josh McDonald — jmcdonald@shoshonenewspress.com
— Maureen Dolan, North Idaho Business Journal editor