Hayden Chamber: Adventures in Alaska

Andrea Fulks
Writing my column this month knowing it is for November is very surreal. I can’t believe we are already in November as the previous months this year seem to have just whipped passed us.
I finally got a vacation the end of October. A seven-day cruise to Alaska on the Norwegian Encore. All I can say is “WOW!” I wasn’t sure about being on the water all those days and if Alaska was going to be freezing, how I was going to handle that. But lo and behold, I only felt the ship sway a handful of times, did not get seasick and the weather in all our ports was picture perfect. It was colder here at home then there and each port kept telling us we just missed some pretty good storms.
Of course, as I do in everyday life, I try to plan ahead and called to meet up with some locals in each port. The first stop in Juneau was met with our taxi driver Maria, who I had arranged to pick us up and give us a tour. Saw some sights of the city then road trip to the Mendenhall Glacier. Only 45 miles of road and at the end of the road it says, “The End!” Juneau is only accessible by boat or plane.
Our next port in Skagway, I was able to meet up with the executive director for the chamber there. Blaine supplied me with a handful of pens as I gave him some local huckleberry popcorn. Per his recommendation for lunch, I enjoyed the best halibut fish and chips! I rode the White Pass & Yukon Route Railroad. This was built in 1898 during the Klondike Gold Rush and was breathtaking to see the mountains, glaciers, trestles and tunnels while riding in vintage rail cars.
One of the days we cruised through Glacier Bay to the John Hopkins Glacier and the ship sat idle for a bit for photo ops. Again, the weather couldn’t have been better and was as clear as can be. I kept calling the ice chunks floating in the water mini icebergs as I was trying to recreate the picture, from the bow of the ship, from the Titanic movie.
I think one of my favorite stops was in Ketchikan. I met up with Michelle, the executive director of the chamber for Ketchikan, and she showed us around her town to places we may not have seen by just walking it ourselves. We took the picture in front of the totem pole in town, she introduced us as her friends from Idaho to the local shop owners and told us some history about the Creek Street area. I was able to hold 5 ounces of pure gold and shop the local candy store for some much-needed chocolate before returning to the ship.
Now I’m hooked and want to go again on another cruise. I love how your hotel goes with you and when you come back to your room, your bed is made and pj’s are folded and fresh clean towels. This could be the life except I think I gained 50 pounds with all the food you can eat. Thank God I was able to have giant Alaskan King Crab legs.
As we all prepare for the holidays, I wanted to thank all of you for your support of the chamber through your membership investment, engagement and leadership in our community. Without your involvement, we would not be able to accomplish the many things we do in our community.
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Andrea Fulks is the president/CEO for the Hayden Chamber of Commerce.