Published: September 24, 2024 | Updated: September 19, 2024

Hayden Chamber: 'The best views come after the hardest climb'

Andrea Fulks

Andrea Fulks

It will seem to just happen overnight! The crickets will change their song, the days will get darker earlier, the cooler air starts to settle in, and the leaves begin to change their colors.

You know what I’m talking about; that ever-so-subtle shift in nature that says, “Yes, it’s hot right now, but autumn is coming… soon.” This, of course, makes me start thinking about the many changes that happen this time of year with the younger kids going back to or starting school, and the older kids heading off to college.

Changes are happening around us with the transition of putting away the bathing suits and shorts for sweaters and leggings. Putting away the patio furniture and lawn mowers to make room for the dreaded snowblowers and preparing to winterize the boats and motorhomes! One thing I do like about the changes is the fact that pumpkin pie blizzards are coming back to Dairy Queen!

I don’t know if it’s the honey-gold light, the cool breeze on warm days, or the warm jewel-tone colors, but Autumn is my favorite time of the year. There’s something about September that makes me want to slow down, take long walks and deep breaths, and enjoy the world around me. Really, with the holidays approaching and the rush of summer waning, September is the perfect time to slow down and appreciate the world around us. To take time to check some of those “want-to-dos” off our list and let the “must-dos” lie for a little while longer.

Of course, if you’re an employee or business owner, you’re a go-getter. So, you’ll be using this “slow time” to gear up for the coming holiday season by planning out your holiday marketing strategy, ordering new merchandise, and double-checking your holiday decor. You may be also planning your budget for the coming year and don’t forget to include the Hayden Chamber in that list of sponsorships of events that we will have for you next year. But do yourself a favor. Slow down enough that you can be present in the moment. Embrace the change.

Can you believe the 4th quarter of 2024 is already upon us. These last few months give us a chance to quantify our successes, spend some time with family, and get our brains thinking about everything possible in the year ahead. But before you dive into planning for 2025 — I challenge you to celebrate this moment.

Pause to reflect on what you have accomplished this year. Recognize the contributions of the teams you have assembled, built, and encouraged to shine. And most importantly, be proud that by being FOR BUSINESS, you are a changemaker in the lives of everyone in our community. You've done an incredible job. Let's close it out strong.

The best views come after the hardest climb. True in life and true in business, the long hours, days and weeks where we temporarily turn into machines is always worth it in the end. Although we cannot always defer the workload, we can however, improve the mechanical feelings. Take extra moments to remind your teams that our best will look different each day, and that is OK.

That last few months of summer have been busy months with many new members signing up to belong to the Hayden Chamber. New members lead to welcoming them with ribbon cuttings and grand openings.

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Andrea Fulks is the president/CEO for the Hayden Chamber of Commerce.

    The Hayden Chamber of Commerce celebrated a ribbon cutting with Fiore Beauty & Wellness.
    The Hayden Chamber of Commerce celebrated a second grand opening for Open Arms Real Choices Clinic.
    The Hayden Chamber of Commerce celebrated a ribbon cutting with RevoluSun.
    The Hayden Chamber of Commerce celebrated a ribbon cutting with Carly Sweet Engel & Volkers Real Estate.
    The Hayden Chamber of Commerce celebrated a ribbon cutting with Hayden Homes.
    The Hayden Chamber of Commerce celebrated a ribbon cutting with The House of Pumps.