Inland Northwest AGC wins Chapter of The Year Award

Inland Northwest AGC representatives accept the AGC Chapter of the Year Award for 2023 at the national construction conference in Washington, D.C.
The Inland Northwest Associated General Contractors is the recipient of a national construction award which honors organizations for their outstanding contributions to the local and national construction industries. The NWAGC earned the AGC Chapter of the Year Award for 2023, which recognizes chapters for outstanding programming, tangible accomplishments and overall excellence throughout 2022 and 2023.
“We’re incredibly proud of the work our chapter has done in construction workforce and advocacy, and that we can serve the Inland Northwest construction industry in such a valuable way,” said Cheryl Stewart, NWAGC executive director. “Our members have been incredibly supportive in these endeavors, and because of that we’re able to take on projects with national impact.”
The Inland Northwest AGC is a membership organization dedicated to advancing the needs of commercial construction contractors throughout Eastern Washington and North Idaho, and made headlines this year with its Trade Up 2 Construction campaign highlighting local workers and bringing attention to career opportunities in construction. The chapter was recognized for its significant accomplishments in workforce development, PAC fundraising and construction education.
“Inland Northwest contractors have built incredible things in this community,” said Shannen Talbot, NWAGC Marketing and Communications director. “We’re honored to receive this award and proud to bring those projects to a national stage.”
Founded in 1921 and representing nearly 400 companies throughout our region, the Inland Northwest chapter is the region’s largest full-service commercial construction trade association and is one of 89 chapters of the Associated General Contractors of America.