Published: March 26, 2024 | Updated: March 25, 2024

40 Under 40: Dalton Erickson



When Dalton Erickson got into the restaurant world 13 years ago, he only wanted to have a flexible schedule and pay his way through college. Little did he know it would become his career.

As the assistant general manager at Seasons of Coeur d’Alene, Erickson is in charge of all operations. He does the bookkeeping and maintains the website, creates the cocktail menu, runs wine tastings, helps the chef creating rotating menus and more.

Erickson isn’t one to draw attention to himself, preferring to keep a low profile as he gets the job done. Still, he said he felt honored to be recognized as a 40 Under 40 winner.

“I did not think it was something that anyone would ever think of for me,” he said.

Erickson said he likes to work hard and make a difference.

“I want to help Seasons grow even more and eventually start my own distillery,” he said. “The only way that will happen is if I keep my head down and keep working hard.”